Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Reiki – A Healing Practice for Stress Relief

Feeling over-stressed? Over-busy? Out of balance? Reiki is a simple, personal healing practice that can offer relaxation and inner peace on a daily basis. More people are learning this self-treatment technique that has many benefits including stress reduction, mental clarity, relief of pain, and improved sleep. Reiki elicits the relaxation response which helps the body and mind to slow down. Reiki works holistically and is easy to learn and incorporate into a busy personal and professional lifestyle. In this webinar, you will learn how Reiki works, the benefits of Reiki, practice-based evidence supporting Reiki, and how to simply incorporate Reiki into your life.

The Reiki Way to Inner Peace A.21 Day Guide Journey

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we plan. We sometimes come to a
point where we need to change the road we are travelling on and move in
another direction.
Reiki is a great tool to use to gently guide you in the direction that is
exactly right for you at this moment. Once again it may not be the direction
you had expected, but if you place your TRUST in Reiki it will
ALWAYS work for your highest good. Reiki can do no harm.
Excerpt from The Reiki Way to Inner Peace. A 21 Day Guided Journey

Hidup tidak selalu mematikan cara kami berencana. Kami kadang-kadang datang ke titik di mana kita perlu mengubah jalan kita bepergian pada dan bergerak dalam arah lain.
Reiki adalah alat yang hebat untuk menggunakan untuk lembut membimbing Anda dalam arah yang tepat untuk Anda saat ini. Sekali lagi tidak mungkin arah yang Anda harapkan, tetapi jika Anda menempatkan kepercayaan Anda pada Reiki itu akan selalu bekerja sama untuk kebaikan tertinggi Anda. Reiki dapat melakukan tidak membahayakan.
Kutipan dari jalan Reiki untuk Inner Peace. 21 Hari dipandu perjalanan (Diterjemahkan oleh Bing)